Upcoming Events
Ed-i-Med symposium ‘Building Resilience as Healthcare Leaders’
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Stephens Green
Tuesday 20th June 2017
RCSI is pleased to announce the inaugural Ed-i-Med symposium – an International Medicine and Health Professions Education Symposium aimed at medicine and health professions educators, clinicians, scientists and administrators from higher education and healthcare institutions.
The symposium will take place at 10am on Tuesday 20th June 2017 at RCSI St Stephen’s Green. The theme this year is “Building Resilience as Healthcare Leaders”. The audience will include medical and health professions educators, clinicians, scientists and administrators challenged with enabling students to become resilient as they transition from their undergraduate healthcare training setting to hospital, clinical and laboratory settings across the globe. Our keynote speaker for this event is Professor Lotte N. Dyrbye from Mayo Clinic . Her biography is available here.
There is no registration fee for this inaugural event but places are limited and early registration is recommended. Closing date Friday 2nd June 2017.
Further information and external delegate registration is available from RCSI
Scholarly Educational Research Network (SERN) -Pursuing Excellence in Healthcare Professions Education
Queens University Belfast
30th June 2017
Attendance should be confirmed to Deborah.millar@qub.ac.uk by close of play on 15/06/2017.
For further information, please see here.
Note: Abstract submission has now closed for this event.
“Third International Meeting on Well-being and Performance in Clinical
Practice” (WELLMED 3)
Olympus Riviera, Pieria, Greece
9 – 13 May 2018
This meeting will bring together experts from diverse disciplinary backgrounds in order to present and discuss innovative ways of linking health professional well being to patient safety and quality of care.
The conference will explore how burnout and well-being are related to different aspects of quality of care and patient safety, in terms of clinical decision making, communication in clinical practice, medical errors, quality of care, civility at workplace and patient neglect.
The deadline for abstract submission is July 15, 2017. For further information and abstract submission guidelines, please visit the conference website.